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Audio Description

Sport is for everyone and our Audio Description service opens up your event to blind and vision impaired fans!

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Audio Description is a specialist form of commentary which provides blind and vision impaired listeners detailed descriptions of everything occurring, far surpassing the level of detail that exists in traditional broadcast commentary. Our audio describers are trained to keep up with play to the second and will focus on the sporting action, but they will also provide extra details that sighted viewers may take for granted such as presentations and ceremonies before the action kicks off, the strips being worn, discussions between officials and everything else of note that happens in live sport!


AMS are world leaders in training and delivering audio description, Within the UK AMS provide volunteer audio description commentators for 14 men’s football teams including Premier league teams: Arsenal, Fulham, Southampton, Newcastle United, Nottingham Forest and Wolves and two women’s teams Arsenal and Southampton. AMS trained all the commentators for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and New Zealand 2023. AMS supplies UEFA with AD Commentators for UEFA International and club tournaments such as the UEFA Champions League and UEFA European Championship. AMS has been providing audio description commentary since 2007 and away from football have trained audio describers for the London and Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games.​​​


From non-league to the Premier League, the Champions League to the Olympic Games, our Audio Description Commentary has vastly improved the experience of blind and vision impaired fans of live sport.


Every sport can benefit from Audio Description and our staff and wide-ranging network of commentators have a vast knowledge of the intricacies of almost every sport, ready to bring your event to life for those who may otherwise miss out on the full experience. We believe Audio Description is an essential service and we are always looking to help improve access to live sport with forward-thinking partners.    


​If you’d like to know more about the services we can provide, please get in touch with us now!

Audio Description in action

This short video was designed and created in collaboration with CAFE and UEFA to help everyone understand why we believe Audio Description is such an essential service. 

Previous clients

London 2012 Logo

London 2012 Logo

Rio 2016 Logo

Rio 2016 Logo





Premier League Logo

Premier League Logo

Glasgow 2014 Logo

Glasgow 2014 Logo

CPISRA World Games Logo

CPISRA World Games Logo

Cerebral Palsy Football World Championships logo

Cerebral Palsy Football World Championships logo

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